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Anaesthetic Monitoring For Veterinary Nurses


6 years ago

Date: Monday 8th July, 2019 - Sunday 28th July, 2019
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 20 hour(s)
Cost: £129

Monitoring anaesthetised patients is one of the most crucial aspects of a veterinary nurses role. This course will be suitable for nurses who wish to update or refresh their knowledge. Both basic and more advanced methods of monitoring anaesthetised small animal patients will be covered. The periods of induction, intubation and recovery will also be discussed. Common abnormalities will be covered, e.g. cardiac arrhythmias, hyper and hypocapnia, together with the action that should be taken to address them.The course explores the following topics: Module 1: Pre-anaesthetic procedures Module 2: Basic monitoring Module 3: Pulse oximetry Module 4: Capnography Module 5: Blood pressure Module 6: Electrocardiography Module 7: Anaesthetic recovery End of course MCQ exam generates your CPD Certificate!Purchase Online, or download our Order Form Vet CPD Online Tutored Courses take approximately 8 hours to complete and can be completed at your own pace and at any time over the courses 3-week period. There are downloadable course notes, webinars to watch, and clinical cases to work through, plus what makes our courses unique a busy clinical forum where questions and answers are posted and where delegates have access to the instructor for the duration of the course. This always generates some lively discussions and the idea that no one should leave a course with any unanswered questions.At the end of the course there is a final exam plus a Certificate of Completion for your CPD records.

Who is it for?

Suitable for VNs Vets

The Speakers

All our Tutored Online CPD Courses are written and taught by an expert in the relevant field. The tutor for this course is:Denise Prisk DipAVN (Surgical), VTS (Anesthesia Analgesia), LTCL, LCGI, RVN

The Venue


Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

8 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place