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Beyond Basics: Modern Diagnostic & Therapeutic Techniques In Equine Dentistry – A 2-Day Practical Course

VetPD - Veterinary Professional Development

2 months ago

Date: Friday 19th September, 2025 - Saturday 20th September, 2025
Start time: 7:52 PM - 7:52 PM
Cost: £1400

Over the past 20 years huge advances have been made in equine dentistry and new sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic techniques aiming at dental disease prevention and dental sparing have been published. This 2-day highly practical course is aimed at practitioners with a working knowledge in equine dentistry who want to deepen their understanding and especially their practical skills on diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. The panel of internationally renowned specialists will be covering the following topics through highly-illustrated and practically-based lectures which will be held in English (with German moderation):

Review of Equine Dental Anatomy
Oral Examination Techniques
Dental Radiography
Motorised & Manual Rasping
Dealing with Cheek Teeth Overgrowths
Incisors, Wolf Teeth & Canines
Pain Management in Dentistry
Specific Dentistry in the Juvenile & Geriatric Horse
Diagnosis & Management of Periodontal Disease
Identifying & Managing Fractured Teeth
Dealing with Infundibular & Peripheral Caries
Oral Cheek Tooth Extractions – Decision Making & Techniques
Between both afternoons 7 hours of practical sessions will provide an intimate environment for attendees to develop their practical skills on equine specimens in true small groups (2-3 vets per specimen) at the following stations:

Oral Examination & Radiography
Use of Motorized Equipment
Incisor & Canine Extraction Techniques
Local Anaesthetic Techniques (incl. TMJ)
Periodontal Treatment Techniques
Cheek Tooth Extraction Techniques
The course fee includes lunches, coffee/tea breaks, extensive course notes and a certificate of attendance. Attendees can choose to only attend the lectures (= Lectures Only) on this course or can register for the entire course (= Lectures & Practical Sessions). On the evening of the first day all attendees are invited to attend the wine & cheese reception. Early course registration via the VetPD website is recommended as there are only a limited number of places available.

Who is it for?

Veterinarians with an interest in horses and veterinary students

The Venue

Tierklinik Leimental, Gewerbestrasse 4, 4105 Biel-Benken, Switzerland

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

15 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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