Beyond The Pale! How Do I Get A Better Outcome For My Anaemic Patients In 2025?
University of Nottingham

Date: Wednesday 19th November, 2025 - Wednesday 19th November, 2025
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 8 hour(s)
Cost: £281.25
This interactive single day course will comprise of an overview of how we define a significant anaemia and when this becomes something we should treat or monitor. There will be lecture updates on our current understanding of how we characterise, approach and treat anaemias based on their demographic and species in which they occur.
Professor Mark Dunning
Clinical Associate Professor in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Clinical affiliations
RCVS certificate in small animal medicine
Clinical interests
Gastroenterology, haematology and nephrology
Evidence based medicine and collaborative research
Developing non-invasive methods for disease screening and diagnosis
Who is it for?
This interactive single day course will comprise of an overview of how we define a significant anaemia and when this becomes something we should treat or monitor. There will be lecture updates on our current understanding of how we characterise, approach and treat anaemias based on their demographic and species in which they occur.
The Venue
The School of Veterinary Medicine and Science is based at the Sutton Bonington Campus of the University of Nottingham.
The Sutton Bonington Campus encompasses world-leading laboratories and specialist facilities for studying biosciences and veterinary medicine.
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
8 hours
Registration and Booking
Click here to reserve your place
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