Collapsed And Dyspnoeic Patients - How A Systematic Approach To Assessment Reduces The Stress Of These Emergencies
University of Nottingham
Date: Wednesday 4th October, 2023 - Wednesday 4th October, 2023
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 8 hour(s)
Cost: £395
An interactive discussion using case-based examples to discuss the use of a systematic and standardized approach to these cases. This will include discussion of Triage in the broad sense of multi-trauma/disease situations followed by assessment of the individual animal. Delegates will be invited to produce their own algorithm to allow rapid data gathering in the emergency. This process will highlight how approaching stressful situations in a systematic manner will reduce the risk of stress or panic adversely affecting this process.
Topics to be covered
Prioritisation of multi-patient presentations.
Systematic assessment of the emergency patient
The production and utility of algorithms
Who is it for?
This course is suitable to all delegates in primary care practice where emergencies are seen. A prior knowledge of point of care ultrasound (POCUS) techniques will be beneficial but not essential.
The Speakers
Thomas Hackney BVSc PGCert CertAVP MRCVS
The Venue
School of Veterinary Medicine and ScienceSutton Bonington CampusLoughborough, LE12 5RD
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
8 hours
Registration and Booking
Click here to reserve your place
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