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Feline Orthopaedics

CPD Solutions

2 months ago

Date: Monday 23rd September, 2024 - Monday 23rd September, 2024
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 8 hour(s)
Cost: £1196.4

Feline orthopaedics has progressed a lot over recent years and it’s easy to feel left behind. This course will focus on some of the common feline orthopaedic problems encountered in general practice. Case-based discussions will be combined with short review lectures to highlight key aspects in management and getting the best outcomes. Wet labs will teach you some extremely useful transarticular ESF techniques for managing stifle and hock trauma as well as a session helping you learn and refine exposure of the femoral head and neck for perfecting your FHNE.

What you’ll learn:

Decision making for pelvic fractures
Salvage surgical options for hip problems
Diagnosis and management of traumatic stifle joint injury
How to manage the tricky tibial fracture
Talocrural joint instability; to fix or fuse
Transarticular external skeletal fixation for the hock and stifle practical session
Craniolateral approach to the hip and femoral head and neck excision practical session

Who is it for?

Veterinary Surgeons

The Speakers

Course Tutor: Scott Rutherford BVMS CertSAS DipECVS MRVCS, RCVS and European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

7 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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