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CPD Solutions

2 months ago

Date: Wednesday 7th August, 2024 - Friday 9th August, 2024
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 24 hour(s)
Cost: £2936.4

Revitalise, Revive and Refresh your confidence and skills in small animal practice on this highly practical hands-on course. Do you feel the need to update your knowledge on conditions that crop up during a typical day in practice? Are you returning to small animal practice after a career break? Are you in practice at the moment and feel that you need a comprehensive update in key areas? Do you want to change disciplines, perhaps from equine to small animal practice?

Then this 3 day interactive, hands-on course is just what you are looking for! You’ve taken a blood sample, but what do the results mean? You have taken a chest film, what is that lung pattern suggesting? Sedation is required in a blocked cat, what is the safest, most effective option? Which wound dressing should you use, there are so many? Our approachable and friendly speakers will guide you in a variety of essential subject areas.

They will provide you with clear, reassuring and practical guidance, equipping you with the confidence and skills to cope with the complexity and diversity of small animal practice in the UK today.

Day 1 Dermatology and Medicine

Canine atopic dermatitis
Otitis externa (practical)
GIT Troubles
Endocrine updates for today’s practice
Getting the most from your ‘in house’ laboratory
Day 2 Radiography and Emergency Medicine

Abdominal radiography – what can you see? (practical)
Thoracic radiology – sort out those lung patterns! (practical)
Blood transfusions in first opinion practice
Blocked cats and how to unblock them
How to drain a chest (practical)
Day 3 Surgery and Anaesthesia

How to use sutures, staples and clips (practical)
Wound management – getting them to heal (practical)
Current anaesthetic equipment and agents and how to use them
Exploratory laparotomy
Enterotomy, enterectomy and cystotomy (practical)
How to sedate your patients safely in typical practice scenarios
Analgesia – what’s new

Who is it for?

Veterinary Surgeons who are looking at coming back into practice

The Speakers

Lara Dempsey BVetMed GPCertSAS GPCertSAM CertAVP(GSAS) DipECVS MRCVS & RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery<br /> EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery<br />

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

21 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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