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Nursing Care Of The Seizure Patient 2nd November 2022

Central CPD

3 years ago

Date: Wednesday 2nd November, 2022 - Wednesday 2nd November, 2022
Start time: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Duration: 7 hour(s)
Cost: £195

Seizures are common in both dogs and cats, potentially affecting up to 1 in 20 dogs, and can be life threatening if left untreated. They can occur in many different forms, with different origins and causes such as metabolic imbalances, poisoning or neurological changes. Therefore, it is critical that all the veterinary staff dealing with seizure patients, from initial phone call to treatment in the clinic, can ask the right questions, recognise the varying clinical signs, and provide treatment and nursing care in a calm and methodical manner.This course is designed to provide nurses with a comprehensive working knowledge of seizures including management and treatment, emergency protocols and the supportive care needed for these neurological patients.Topics to be covered include:Identifying a seizure (including accurate history taking, appropriate triage, clinical signs associated with different types of seizures and risk factors)Where seizures originate from (neurological pathophysiology, poisons, metabolic disorders) and implications for treatment plansAn understanding of emergency seizure management protocolsAn understanding of maintenance anticonvulsant therapyNursing care of the neurological seizure patient

The Venue

204a Manor Place,Kennington,London. SE17 3BN

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

7 hours

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