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Restorative Dentistry

CPD Solutions

2 months ago

Date: Friday 13th December, 2024 - Friday 13th December, 2024
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Duration: 8 hour(s)
Cost: £2334

In many cases of dental trauma and disease, options for treatment beyond extraction exist. Owners are increasingly looking for other options for their pet that avoid extraction of affected teeth. It is vital to be able to select patients that are suitable for restoration (‘fillings’), and know how best to treat them in each case. Equally you need to be able to recognise where extraction may be a better option for patient and owner.

On this course we’ll combine essential theory with extensive hands-on wet-lab sessions. You’ll learn how to identify and prepare teeth appropriately, select suitable materials, and place, shape and finish restorations. You’ll have direct help at each stage from our expert and approachable tutor, Alex Smithson.

Restorative Dentistry 1 provides you with the essential foundations for excellence in restorative work and is vital prior to progression into endodontology, and procedures such as root-canal treatment. This is a restorative course – root canals etc fall under endodontics/endodontology and require a far longer learning and training process than 1 day. However, skilled use of restorative materials and techniques is fundamental to endodontic treatments – excellence of the restoration is a major prognostic factor. Thus, a restorative course is a prerequisite to root canal treatment and the principles should be mastered before moving on to endodontics.

What you’ll learn:

Indications & contraindications for restorative treatment
Instruments & equipment – selection & use
Cavity preparation techniques
Restorative materials – what, when & why?
Material use and handling – placement, shaping & finishing techniques
Restorative protocols
Extensive hands-on guided wetlabs
Bring a Vet Nurse – Success in small animal dentistry is highly influenced by dental nurses and their ability to anticipate requirements, prepare materials and enable smooth operative flow. You and your nurse will learn and practise four-handed nursing throughout the wet-labs to create an effective dental team. NB assistance as a dental nurse does not require full-qualification as a Veterinary Nurse

Is this the Right Course for You?

This is an advanced course and suitable only for veterinary surgeons who have considerable experience in Small Animal Dentistry. You must have competency in, and availability of, dedicated dental xray imaging equipment and techniques.

Who is it for?

Veterinary Surgeons

The Speakers

Course Tutor: Alex Smithson BVM&S BDS(Hons) Cert Endod Dipl Endontology MRCVS

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

7 hours

Registration and Booking

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