Surgical Nursing: Orthopaedic Surgery
Royal Veterinary College

Date: Tuesday 25th November, 2025 - Tuesday 25th November, 2025
Start time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Cost: £299
Key Areas
Orthopaedic surgery principles
Patient preparation and infection control
What’s in an orthopaedic surgical kit
How to use the drill and oscillating saw
Plating systems and the equipment
External Skeletal Fixation (ESF)
About this course
Do you want to be more involved in orthopaedic surgeries? Are you bringing your true value to the operating table?
Surgical nurses play a key role in theatre and can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the team. The aim of this course is to provide you with the skills and knowledge to be a confident member of a scrubbed-in orthopaedic surgical team. It will refresh your knowledge on orthopaedic kits, common implants (including different plating systems, common cruciate surgery equipment and external skeletal fixation) and orthopaedic surgical principles. There will be lectures and practical sessions with a range of orthopaedic equipment with synthetic bone models for hands-on practice.
Why do this course?
This course is for those who wish to take the next step to become an irreplaceable surgical assistant in orthopaedic surgery! The course is aimed at nurses who want to build on existing surgical knowledge and increase their understanding and confidence in a world full of equipment and implants. We know that nurses in our surgical team improve our surgical ability and enhance our patient outcomes.
Who is it for?
Veterinary nurses
The Speakers
Rhiannon Strickland, BVetMed MVetMed PGCertVetEd DipECVS FHEA MRCVS<br /> Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery<br /> The Royal Veterinary College
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
8 hours
Registration and Booking
Click here to reserve your place
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