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Flexi ECPD - Anaesthesia, Analgesia And Critical Care For Rabbits

Excel CPD - Vet Nurse CPD

2 years ago

Duration: 10 hour(s)
Cost: £155

Module 1 - Making Rabbit Anaesthesia Safer

Pre-op advice for clients
ASA grading – what increases the risk?
Monitoring under general anaesthesia
Post-operative care

Learning objectives
Recap rabbit anaesthesia and how you can help build up your confidence, including pre op, intra op and post op care
Identify signs to be monitoring under anaesthesia – including CO2, SPO2, reflexes, HR, RR and BP readings
Use the ASA grading system, to look at why rabbits may be at a higher risk, compared with dogs and cats when placed under GA
Understand the options for intubation and maintaining an airway

Module 2 - Analgesia – Taking the Pain Away

The signs of pain
Causes of pain
Knock on effects of uncontrolled pain
Analgesia options

Learning objectives
Identify the signs that rabbits show when in pain – these can be easily missed!
Learn how to use with the ‘Rabbit Grimace Scale’ in conjunction with clinical signs
Appreciate the secondary problems that pain can lead to, when it is not managed correctly
Know what analgesia options can be used in rabbits

Module 3 - Preparing for an Emergency

Preparation at the practice
Triaging rabbits
Obtaining a capsule history
Managing owner expectations

Learning objectives
Appreciate that when the phone rings it is important to be prepared for the emergency rabbit case
Know what to do and what equipment to set up to be ready
Understand how to triage rabbits and when continuing to do so may be detrimental
Obtain a quick and useful history from the owner to enable treatment to commence
Conduct a full assessment of the rabbit – from head to toe
Communicate with clients, managing their expectations and keeping them informed

Module 4 - Critical Care – Keeping them Alive!

What is and what isn’t an emergency
What to do when faced with a rabbit emergency
Stabilisation and oxygen therapy

Learning objectives
Identify rabbit emergencies – they are not always obvious, and knowing what is and what isn’t an emergency is important
Understand the health conditions which are emergencies in rabbits, including gastrointestinal stasis/blockages, flystrike, liver lobe torsion and respiratory distress
Achieve the important goal of keeping stress to a minimum Identify the signs of improvement and deterioration

Tutor: Claire Speight
Date: On demand
Cost: £155 +vat
Length: 4 module
CPD: 8 hours
Level: Intermediate

Who is it for?

Veterinary Nurses

The Speakers

Claire Speight A1 Clinical Coach, CG Cert Nursing Exotic Species, RVN

The Venue


Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

8 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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