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Flexi ECPD - Approach To The Respiratory Patient

Excel CPD - Vet Nurse CPD

2 years ago

Duration: 8 hour(s)
Cost: £155

Module 1 - Common Respiratory Diseases

Lower respiratory tract disease
Pleural disorders
Pulmonary disease
POCUS and sampling

Learning objectives
After completion of this module, participants should be able to:

Describe lower respiratory tract physiology and the disease processes seen in practice
Understand the different causes of pleural disorders
Understand the different causes of pulmonary disease
Identify the uses of POCUS and understand which patients may benefit from thoracocentesis
Describe how to manage the patient with acute respiratory distress

Module 2 - Oxygen Therapy

How to identify a patient in need of oxygen therapy
Non-invasive methods of oxygen therapy
Invasive methods of oxygen therapy
Monitoring a response to therapy

Learning objectives
After completion of this module, participants should be able to:

Understand which parameters are used to identify patients who are in need of oxygen therapy
Describe which methods of non-invasive oxygen therapy are available and which is the most suitable for their patient
Describe which methods of invasive oxygen therapy are available and which is the most suitable for their patient
Discuss whether a patient is responding to oxygen therapy and when a decision may be made to discontinue oxygen support

Module 3 - Blood Gases

Why do we use blood gas analysis?
How to take a sample for a blood gas analysis
What is acid / base?
Interpretation of a blood gas report

Learning objectives
After completion of this module, participants should be able to:

Understand why blood gas analysis is important for managing the respiratory patient
Describe how to take a sample for blood gas analysis
Understand acid / base status and what this means for the patient
Interpret a blood gas report using a step by step approach so that this can be transferred to your patients in practice
Understand the physiology behind compensatory mechanisms

Module 4 - BOAS: From Admit to Discharge

Admit considerations
BOAS plan
Anaesthesia considerations
Dealing with the BOAS crisis
Other nursing considerations

Learning objectives
After completion of this module, participants should be able to:

List the considerations which should be discussed with the owner when the patient is admitted to the hospital
Discuss safe ways of managing these cases whilst they are hospitalised to minimise complications
Understand how to make BOAS patients anaesthesia plans safer
Explain the concerns associated with a BOAS crisis and how to manage these
Describe other nursing considerations associated with these breeds and how we can factor these into our nursing care plans for hospitalised patients

Tutors: Elle Haskey & Katie Gray
Date: On demand
Cost: £155 +vat
Length: Unlimited lifetime access
CPD: 8 hours / 8 points (AUS/NZ)
Level: Intermediate

Who is it for?

Veterinary Nurses

The Venue


Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

8 hours

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