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Flexi ECPD - Small Mammal Anaesthesia And Emergencies

Excel CPD - Vet Nurse CPD

1 year ago

Duration: 8 hour(s)
Cost: £155

Module 1: Rabbit Handling and Anaesthesia
How do rabbits differ from other mammals we see in practice?
How can we accommodate their needs?
How can we improve their safety under anaesthesia?

Module 2: Ferret Handling and Anaesthesia
A nursing approach to care of the ferret in veterinary practice
How do ferrets differ from other small mammals we treat?
What anaesthetic considerations do we need to factor in?

Module 3: Small Rodent Handling and Anaesthesia
Minimising stress and appropriate handling for small mammals and rodents
Anaesthetic considerations
Post operative and peri operative care

Module 4: Small Mammal Emergencies
How to recognise emergencies in small mammal species
Triage and CPCR in small mammals
Common conditions and emergency presentations

Tutor: Tawny Kershaw
Date: On demand
Cost: £155 +vat
Length: Unlimited lifetime access
CPD: 8 hours / 8 points (AUS/NZ)
Level: Introduction / intermediate

Who is it for?

Veterinary Nurses

The Speakers

Tawny Kershaw BSc (Hons), RVN, DipVNZS, AFHEA<br /> Swift Veterinary Referrals

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

8 hours

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