Introduction To Nursing Exotic Patients
Excel CPD - Vet Nurse CPD

Date: Monday 13th October, 2025 - Friday 21st November, 2025
Start time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Duration: 15 hour(s)
Cost: £255
The aim of this course is to introduce veterinary nurses to exotics in practice. The emphasis will be placed on examination and handling techniques as well as essentials of anaesthesia, imaging techniques, and making the veterinary visit as stress-free as possible for pets. This will enable exotics and small mammals to be incorporated into any small animal practice with standard facilities.
Week 1 - The Rabbit Consultation
Handling, examination and history taking
Preventative care
Making your clinic rabbit friendly
Learning objectives
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:
Appreciate the importance of stress reduction in rabbits, including during hospitalisation and examination
Understand essentials of preventive care of rabbits
Understand handling and therapeutic techniques in rabbits
Week 2 - Anaesthesia of Small Furries
Basic anaesthesia
Reducing stress around anaesthesia
Learning objectives
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:
Describe a holistic approach to stress reduction in the peri-anaesthetic period to improve anaesthetic success rates
Prepare a patient for anaesthesia
Understand how to provide airway support for rabbits
Week 3 - Examination of Parrots
Handling and examination of parrots
Basic husbandry of parrots
Routine grooming techniques
Learning objectives
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:
Achieve safe handling techniques for parrots
Understand the basic husbandry of pet parrots and how this relates to disease
Appreciate and apply the techniques of beak, nail and wing trimming and understand how issues with these adnexa may reflect systemic disease
Week 4 - Avian Anaesthesia and Imaging
Basic anaesthesia techniques
Introduction to avian radiography and ultrasound
Learning objectives
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:
Appreciate basic anaesthetic techniques, including induction and intubation, to improve anaesthetic success rates
Take a well-positioned radiograph and interpret the image
Understand the indications for ultrasonography in birds
Week 5 - Reptile Examination Techniques
Examination techniques
History taking, including the husbandry review
Learning objectives
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:
Achieve safe handling techniques of reptiles – snakes, lizards and chelonia
Perform a basic examination of these species
Appreciate the role of husbandry in reptile disease and how to conduct a full husbandry review
Week 6 - Reptile Anaesthesia, Imaging and Hospitalisation
Basic anaesthesia techniques
Introduction to reptile radiography and ultrasound
Hospitalisation requirements for reptile species
Learning objectives
After completion of this week, participants should be able to:
Appreciate basic anaesthetic techniques, including the importance of ventilation and when to use it
Take a well-positioned radiograph
Perform ultrasonography in reptiles
Understand the hospitalisation needs of reptile species
Tutor: John Chitty
Date: 13th Oct - 21st Nov 2025
Cost: £255 +vat
Length: 6 weeks
CPD: 15 hours
Level: Introduction / Intermediate
Who is it for?
Veterinary Nurses
The Speakers
John Chitty BVetMed, Cert ZooMed, CBiol, MRSB, MRCVS. RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine, Anton Vets
The Venue
Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as
15 hours
Registration and Booking
Click here to reserve your place
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