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Flexi ECPD - Chronic Feline Diseases

Excel CPD - Vet Nurse CPD

1 year ago

Duration: 8 hour(s)
Cost: £155

Module 1 - The Nurse's Role in Medical Clinics

Why set up a monitoring clinic?
How to set up a monitoring clinic
Equipment needed for a monitoring clinic
Learning objectives

After completion of this module, participants should be able to:

Understand the importance of nurses being involved in the long term monitoring of cats with medical diseases
Visualise how they would be able to set up this type of clinic in their own practice
Feel ready to learn and revise common chronic feline disease and become up to date with the latest evidence

Module 2 - Managing Chronic Kidney Disease

What is CKD?
What effects does CKD have on the body?
How to monitor CKD
Treatment aims for CKD
IRIS staging
Learning objectives

After completion of this module, participants should be able to:

Understand the pathophysiology of CKD
Identify parameters used to monitor the CKD patient
Understand the IRIS staging scheme
Understand what treatments are appropriate at which stage of disease
Use evidence based medicine to help educate your clients

Module 3 - Managing Diabetes Mellitus

What is diabetes mellitus?
How to monitor diabetes mellitus
Treatment aims for diabetes mellitus
Owner support for cats with diabetes mellitus
Learning objectives

After completion of this module, participants should be able to:

Understand the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus
Understand the difference between cats and dogs with diabetes mellitus
Understand how to monitor diabetes mellitus and the importance of blood glucose curves
Understand what treatments are available for diabetes mellitus
Counsel owners of cats with diabetes mellitus

Module 4 - Managing Degenerative Joint Disease

How prevalent is DJD in cats?
How to assess cats for DJD
Treatments for DJD
How to engage owners in the treatment and monitoring of DJD
Learning objectives

After completion of this module, participants should be able to:

Understand the prevalence of DJD in cats and use that information in the nursing treatment and handling of the cat
Assess cats using a variety of methods both in the clinic and at home for DJD
Understand the different treatments available for DJD
Educate owners about the treatments and how the owner can assess the cat to
improve compliance

Tutor: Suzanne Rudd
Date: On demand
Cost: £155 +vat
Length: Unlimited lifetime access
CPD: 8 hours / 8 points (AUS/NZ)
Level: Introduction / intermediate

Who is it for?

Veterinary Nurses

The Speakers

Suzanne Rudd DipAVN(Medical), RVN. The Feline Centre, University of Bristol

The Venue


Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

8 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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