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Webinar Plus: Dermatology Essentials 2024

Royal Veterinary College

5 years ago

Date: Monday 4th November, 2024 - Sunday 1st December, 2024
Start time: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Cost: £399

Key Areas
Diagnostic techniques in dermatology
Diagnosis and management of pyoderma and Malassezia dermatitis
Diagnosis and management of allergic skin disease
Diagnosis and management of otitis
About this course
Do you want to provide the best care for patients (and their owners) with chronic skin and ear disease?

Dermatological cases in small animal practice are common, challenging and often frustrating to manage successfully. This online course will refresh and update your knowledge and understanding of the most common dermatological disorders to enhance your patient management and client communication.

Why do this course?
This course will increase your knowledge and confidence in dealing with chronic skin and ear disease in small animal practice. It will help you to improve your diagnostic skills and to make use of in-house tests that are relevant and practical in small animal clinics. It will update you on responsible use of antimicrobials in patients with recurrent infections and how to spot and deal with those involving multidrug-resistant pathogens. You will get practical tips on how to best to investigate and treat allergic skin disease and otitis and on how to manage owner expectations to improve a successful outcome for your patients.

The webinars for this course will be pre-recorded and can be viewed as recorded versions throughout the course. A live Q&A session with the tutor will run on the following dates at 1.30pm London time

Wednesday 6th November
Wednesday 13th November
Wednesday 20th November
Wednesday 27th November

Who is it for?


The Speakers

Ross Bond, BVM&S PhD DVD DipECVD MRCVS<br /> Professor of Veterinary Dermatology<br /> The Royal Veterinary College<br /> Anke Hendricks, DrMedVet CertVD DipECVD PGCertAP FHEA MRCVS<br /> Associate Professor in Veterinary Dermatology<br /> The Royal Veterinary College<br /> Anette Loeffler, DrMedVet PhD DVD DipECVD MRCVS<br /> Professor of Veterinary Dermatology<br /> The Royal Veterinary College<br /> Katarina Varjonen, MSc DipECVD<br /> Veterinary Dermatologist<br /> Anicura, Stockholm

The Venue


Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

16 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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