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Webinar Plus: Help It's A Chicken Consult! A Comprehensive Guide To Backyard Chicken Veterinary Care

Royal Veterinary College

2 years ago

Date: Monday 8th September, 2025 - Sunday 5th October, 2025
Start time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Cost: £429

Key Areas

Welfare, husbandry and health
Normal attributes and relevant anatomy of poultry species
Current diseases: avian influenza
Common diseases, treatment, prophylaxis and vaccines
Relevant medicines legislation including notifiable diseases
Emergency and critical care, euthanasia
Anaesthesia and analgesia

About this course

A vet’s guide to all things chickens - covering the spectrum from beloved pet to commercial backyard enterprises

This course is aimed at general practice vets who want to broaden their knowledge and skill with backyard poultry. We will cover a logical problem-solving approach to the sick pet chicken, discuss the most commonly seen cases and how to manage them, alongside a review of basic husbandry, nutrition and preventative healthcare. Videos of common techniques will be shared, alongside details of diagnostic steps and therapeutic options which can be applied in a general practice setting. An update on relevant current legislation will also be covered, as well as a step-by-step approach to dealing with a suspected Avian influenza case, to ensure you are providing your clients with the most up to date advice. The course will be taught by a variety of vets working clinically with chickens including a commercial poultry vet, farm vet and exotic specialist vet, giving a broad depth of expertise from different perspectives.

Why do this course?

This course will enable you to feel confident in advising your clients regarding their backyard poultry diet and husbandry, how to approach the most common medical and surgical conditions and how to formulate an appropriate practice protocol for dealing with avian influenza.

The webinars for this course will be pre-recorded and can be viewed as recorded versions throughout the course. Live Q&A sessions with the tutors will run on the following dates at 7pm London time.

Q&A session dates:

Thursday 11th September
Thursday 18th September
Thursday 25th September
Thursday 2nd October

Who is it for?


The Speakers

Victoria Roberts, BVSc MRCVSBackyard Poultry VetVicvet

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

16 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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