Mixed Animal Locum Vet Needed In November – Accommodation Provided

Synergy Vets
Jenna Ormrod
North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Our client, a mixed animal practice in North Yorkshire is looking for a locum vet to provide cover during the following periods:
4th-8th Nov (Mon-Fri)
4th-5th Nov (on-call only)
5th-6th Nov (on-call only)
11th-14th Nov (Mon-Thurs)
Rate: £450 per day / £150 on-call
Accommodation can be arranged, and practice van can be provided.
Ltd Company & Sole traders considered for payment.
Please get in touch if you’re able to help and would like more details: 01395 200189 / jenna.ormrod@synergyvets.com
Tel: 01395 200189
North Yorkshire, United Kingdom