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Three-year-old Yorkiepoo, Bear, suffered a ruptured lens and corneal trauma and needed expert care at Eye Vet in Cheshire after getting into a spat with a cat.

Three-year-old Yorkiepoo, Bear, suffered a ruptured lens and corneal trauma and needed expert care at Eye Vet in Cheshire after getting into a spat with a cat.

Beloved Bear's Eye Saved Following Spat With Cat

2 years ago

19th May, 2023 15h31

The owner of a young dog has thanked expert vets who battled to save the beloved pet’s eye after it was severely damaged in a spat with a cat. 

The three-year-old Yorkiepoo, called Bear, suffered a ruptured lens and corneal trauma which required expert care at one of the UK’s top ophthalmology practices.

Bear was treated at Linnaeus-owned Eye Vet in Sutton Weaver, Cheshire, where clinical director Iona Mathieson successfully operated to not only save the eye, but to also restore Bear’s full vision. 

Iona, an advanced practitioner in veterinary ophthalmology, admitted it was a challenging case, explaining: “Bear had suffered a serious cat scratch to his right eye. The cornea was punctured and the lens capsule had ruptured. 

“He needed cataract surgery to remove the damaged lens and to insert an artificial lens which would restore his sight but I was initially concerned the damage was so severe we wouldn’t be able to fit it in. 

“However, the surgery went very well, the lens was successfully put into place and Bear has made a fine recovery and has his vision once again.” 

Relieved owner Tracy Calder, from Urmston, Manchester, is full of praise for Iona and the Eye Vet team. 

She said: “Iona was brilliant. Her expertise has saved Bear’s eye, there’s no doubt about that – it really was touch and go. It was an extremely worrying time and everything happened so fast. 

“It began one evening when I was out with Bear in the paddock near to where we live. Suddenly he bolted off into the bushes and then ran back and sat down all quiet and calm. 

“That’s very unusual as he’s normally a bit bonkers, so I immediately wondered what had happened. 

“I could see his eye was wet and watery, so when I got home I flushed it out with water to clear any dirt or grit and see if there was a problem. 

“His eye was already closing and he was very withdrawn, not his usual crazy self so the next day I contacted our local vets. 

 “The vet said Bear had punctured his iris and lens and treatment was a matter of urgency as he was in danger of losing his eye. 

“We were referred to Eye Vet and the response was fantastic. The next morning Bear had all the tests and scans to examine the damage and then Iona operated and really worked miracles on him. 

“Iona was brilliant, absolutely fabulous. So lovely, so personable and you could tell she really cared for him. I can’t thank her enough and I’d definitely recommend Eye Vet. 

“Bear’s made a terrific recovery and it’s absolutely wonderful. He needed eye drops six times a day and regular check-ups to monitor his eye but it’s all been worth it as he’s back to himself again now, which is priceless.” 

For more information on Eye Vet, which is a dedicated ophthalmic practice providing expert ocular care for pets, visit or search for Eye Vet, Cheshire, on social media. 

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