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Dog Groomers Offered Free 3D Pet Sculpture To Put Them At The Cutting Edge!

7 years ago

31st August, 2017 15h23

Marie Carter

Arty Lobster, a company that creates 3D models of pets, has launched a unique package for dog groomers that promises to put them ahead of the competition at the cutting edge of innovation.

To showcase what’s on offer, Arty Lobster ( is offering dog groomers a free 3D sculpture of one of their canine clients that shows off their grooming skills.

The company, which has experienced a surge in growth over the past twelve months and is taking on more staff, says the 3D pet sculpture market would be a perfect fit for a dog grooming business.

Arty Lobster, which started trading three years ago, has grown from an initial two members of staff to a team of eleven people, including seven 3D artists. The firm, which was a Finalist at the prestigious Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) London Business Awards, plans to expand by taking on at least one additional staff member in the next 12 months.

London-based Arty Lobster takes 3D tech to the limits by creating items that are unique. Highly skilled artists create the 3D pet sculptures from customers' photos of their pet, which are then 3D printed before being delivered to the customer. There are three options, including sandstone, porcelain and bronze and Arty Lobster is offering a 30% wholesale discount on the range of retail prices shown on their website - exclusively to professional dog groomers.

To remain at the forefront of 3D innovation, Arty Lobster has implemented a rigorous training program to ensure each pet sculpture is crafted to the highest quality and artistic standards.

Lars B Andersen, Founder and CEO of Arty Lobster, said: “Dog groomers are always looking to stay ahead of the competition, and stand out, by offering additional services such as retail options. 3D printing is an exciting value-added service for dog groomers, and we thought that they would like to see the quality of what we offer in a 3D sculpture.

“Groomers frequently take photos of dogs after a groom, and the natural extension is to offer a service to customers to have their beloved pet looking their best.

“3D printing is still in its infancy, and as the technology continues to improve, we anticipate significant additional growth in the market.”

For enquiries, please email, or visit , or call Lars on 0845 680 6064.

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