Free webinar - vet career planning
Empower Potential Vet Students To Make The Right Choices!
You probably all read the recent headline in Vet Times stating that a 'Rising Number of Students Regret Taking Vet Course' (1). You may or may not have an opinion on this topic - but a good question would be 'how can we better prepare students to make decisions on a veterinary career in the first place'?
Jenny Moffett of Skills Tree has joined up with ONCORE ePD, to provide a 3 week, fully tutored course helping potential vet students to explore the options, and if vet school is the choice for them, to help support them in working through the initial stages of this process. Yes, there is a fee for this course, however £249 is a low price to pay for helping with such a difficult (and expensive) decision. Students will have opportunity to practise skills such as SWOT anaylsis, reflection and researching as part of their course, and feebdack will be offered on certain aspects of their coursework.
To be fair to those that maybe can't justify the course costs, a FREE webinar is also on offer - this is a 20 minute (plus questions) presentation from Jenny, which offers potential students with some useful snippets such as information on available vet schools, some pointers on work experience, and how to get the best out of open days; amongst other things.
ONCORE/Skills Tree will consider re-running the webinar depending on uptake.
Details on the free webinar:
Vet Career Planning - FREE webinar
Speaker: Jenny Moffett BVetMed MSc Dip MarComm MRCVS
Date & time: Wednesday 5th Oct 7pm GMT
The webinar will be 20 minutes in duration, then there will be 10 minutes available for questions to the speaker.
Participants can register here: http://bit.ly/2do321C
Please feel free to share the link with any potential vet students you think may be interested or would benefit.
(1) Kernott, H. (2016) Rising Number of Students Regret Taking Vet Course [Online] Available at <https://www.vettimes.co.uk/news/rising-number-of-students-regret-taking-vet-course/> [Accessed 27th Sept 2016]
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