Go To Henschool For Free!

14 years ago

12th October, 2010 12h44
Janssen Animal Health has got together with Henschool to offer bursaries that will allow 5 veterinary nurses, or trainee veterinary nurses the opportunity to attend a course and learn all about poultry keeping for free*! Lesley Austin, founder of Henschool, works in a veterinary practice, has owned chickens for most of her life and has a wealth of experience to share at the popular courses that take place in Barking, near Needham Market in Suffolk on Saturdays or Sundays throughout the year.

The day-long course covers selecting hens, basic husbandry, feeding and dealing with common ailments, such as parasitic worms, leaving nurses in great shape to advise poultry keepers on the best way to care for their birds. The specific requirements of ex-battery chickens are also covered and there is even an opportunity to gain ‘hands-on’ experience and meet Lesley’s own chickens.
“There is huge interest in poultry keeping right now,” says Nigel Underwood from Janssen Animal Health, “But many novices know very little about basic care and common poultry diseases. We hope that the Henschool bursaries will help veterinary nurses to learn more and to share their new knowledge with prospective and novice poultry keepers.”
To apply for a bursary, simply write down why you think you would benefit from attending the course, in 200 words or less. Include your name, the name of your practice and the address with a contact telephone number and send it to Companion Consultancy, PO Box 468, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 6XR. Your application should be received no later than 30th November 2010.
*Bursary covers the £50 course fee (which includes lunch on the day) and does not apply to travel, accommodation or any other expenses that might be incurred in attending the event.
Further information is available from Janssen Animal Health, 50-100 Holmers Farm Way, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 4EG Tel 01494 567555 Fax 01494 567556 Email: ahealth@jnj.its.com
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