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HART Wildlife Rescue – Advice And Support When You Need It

13 years ago

22nd March, 2011 13h41

HART Wildlife Rescue is a charity that was set up 15 years ago to provide care for injured native wildlife species. Its overall aim is to rehabilitate viable casualties and release them back into the wild. Based at Soldridge Business Park, Medstead, HART is ideally placed close to the A31 to take casualties from all over Hampshire and its adjoining counties. It is the only wildlife care centre of its kind in Hampshire with plans to be even better when funds allow for the development of an adjacent field and an education facility. Its patients, both great and small, are most often brought to the hospital by caring members of the public, but it has a fully equipped ambulance to pick up casualties when necessary. HART also collects from local vets and takes over responsibility for the care of creatures from other rescue organisations such as the RSPCA and RSPB. “Veterinary practices are often presented with sick, injured or orphaned wild animals by members of the public who go to them in need of help,” said hospital manager Charmian Greenland-Jones. “I am aware this can place vets in a very difficult position as most are unable to house wildlife appropriately due to its susceptibility to stress and the problems of contagious diseases. “HART is available for vets to call on in these circumstances. We are also very happy for you to refer members of the public to us when you are contacted regarding wildlife casualties.”   A poster detailing HART’s activities is available for vets to display in the surgery. If you have any queries please feel free to contact Charmian on 01420 562335.   For further information please have a look at the website:

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