Help Needed For Small Greek Animal Charity

19 years ago

4th May, 2006 00h00
We are a small island in Greece (Thassos) and we are trying to keep animals from being cruelly treated and starved, there is one English lady who lives about 2 miles up a mountain with no amenities eg no electricity, no hot water ect ect she has an animal sanctuary with over 100 dogs, as well as cats, horses, donkeys, geese, ducks, goats and sheep who have been abandoned or left to die on the streets, she started by taking in one or two dogs 18years ago and since then they have escalated to this amount, she has used all her life savings trying to keep these animals well looked after, we have got a small charity which is being run by a German lady who lives here and has been pulling on everyone to help and now comes the crunch, the charity owes over 7000euros to various people, like the pet shop, vet, farmers ect ect for supplies but it is beginning to wear a bit thin with them and they are getting more and more reluctant to help in the summer we can get a bit of money from the tourists but as it costs 1500euros per month for the upkeep of these animals it is proving a hard job to do, also we are in very short supply of medication and suture materials for the steralization of these animals, we also find new homes for dogs and cats in Germany and these need passports, microchips and innoculations before we can let them go, this costs approx 80euros per animal, last year we sent over 100 dogs and cats there. We are also trying to get people to sponsor animals and this helps a little bit we have people producing calendars but this only happens at the end of each year.
I hope I have given you a bit of an insight to the trouble we are having over here and look forward to any help or suggestions of help or if at all possible donations of any kind, being money or materials as these would be greatly appreciated, we are currently working on a webpage and I will email you the link as soon as it is up and running.
By the way my name is Lynne and I am English but have emigrated to Thassos, Greece this March 3rd and will be helping with this charity and try and make things a little easy for Suzanne who is up the mountain, my address is
Mrs L Read, Aegean Villas, 64002 Potos, Thassos, Greece, my home number is 00302 5930 53367 my email address is
[email protected] I would appreciate any information that could help this small charity
Thanking you in advance, Lynne.
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