Jurox Launches New Methadyne 10mg/ml 5ml Vial Size
Jurox (UK) Limited has added to its extensive anaesthesia and analgesia portfolio with the launch of a new Methadyne 10mg/ml 5ml vial size.
The new presentation will now be available alongside the 10ml vial to provide veterinary professionals with greater flexibility when using Methadyne and to help reduce drug wastage and streamline controlled drug stock management.
Containing 10mg/ml methadone as its active ingredient, Methadyne is a clear colourless solution for injection. It can be administered for analgesia of moderate to severe pain in dogs and cats, to provide neuroleptanalgesia in combination with a neuroleptic drug and as part of a patient’s premedication protocol prior to general anaesthesia.
Methadyne has proven compatibility when combined in the same syringe with other aqueous solutions for injection containing acepromazine as maleate and medetomidine and dexmedetomidine as hydrochlorides. The combination of an appropriate opioid analgesic with a neuroleptic agent is considered one of the most common options for patient sedation and/or premedication in veterinary analgesia. Neuroleptanalgesic mixtures typically contain an opioid analgesic combined with a sedative agent (neuroleptic) and are very often drawn up in the same syringe (ie mixed in-vitro) and administered to a patient via the intramuscular route as a single injection.
Due to the fact that methadone is considered light sensitive, Jurox’s Methadyne comes in an amber vial. There is no bung broach limit within the 28-days shelf-life following initial broach; the bung can be punctured to draw up a dose of methadone as many times as required. It has a shelf life of 24 months unbroached.
Dr Dan Cripwell BSc (Hons) BVSc CertAVP (EM) CertAVP PgCert (VPS) MRCVS, Advanced Veterinary Practitioner and senior veterinary technical advisor at Jurox (UK) Limited, comments: “I am delighted that Jurox can provide the UK veterinary market with this evolution in our multidose methadone formulation, which is now available in both 5ml and 10ml vials. We constantly strive to provide the veterinary profession with first class clinical and technical support and, in this instance, we were able to assess what improvements could be made to our existing drug portfolio and respond to the profession’s feedback to help reduce wastage of controlled drugs when they are needed in smaller volume.
“Our hope is that, as well as the recent mixing claims added to the product licence, the new vial size will encourage the best clinical use and make Methadyne 10mg/ml more accessible.”
For further information on Jurox’s extensive range of anaesthesia and analgesia products, please contact your local Jurox account manager, phone 0800 500 3171, visit www.jurox.com/uk or email customerservice@jurox.co.uk.
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