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Large Reduction In Anthelmintic Use Achieved With Targeted Tapeworm Control Strategy: Research Published By EVJ

7 years ago

8th March, 2018 21h32

Austin Davis Biologics Ltd

A targeted treatment strategy using the EquiSal® Tapeworm saliva test to inform on treatment has been proven to control tapeworm burdens and significantly reduce the use of anti-tapeworm anthelmintics. The study, published in Equine Veterinary Journal (EVJ), reports findings from 237 horses at Bransby Horses, where EquiSal® Tapeworm saliva testing was used to inform on anthelmintic administration over the course of a year1. This diagnostic led approach reduced the use of anti-tapeworm treatments by 86% compared to 6 monthly interval treatment strategies.

The scientifically validated EquiSal® Tapeworm saliva test accurately diagnoses horses with a tapeworm infection, providing a low, borderline or moderate/high diagnosis and treatment is recommended for horses with a borderline or moderate/high result2. In this latest study, most horses diagnosed below the treatment threshold in the first saliva test remained below the threshold in the following two tests and 168 horses (71%) required no anti-tapeworm treatment at all. Importantly, no increase in tapeworm infection prevalence was observed during the study period and only seven horses received treatment following all three saliva tests, suggesting that some horses are more susceptible to tapeworm infections.

The research paper has wide-ranging accessibility with several digital support media streams: a podcast, prepared by EVJ, describing the study findings can be found at based-diagnostic-test-to-identify-tapeworm-infection-in-horses-in-the-uk/ and a video abstract has been prepared by the authors of the research paper which can be viewed at

EquiSal saliva collection kits are available at trade prices to veterinary practices and SQPs. Contact or visit for more information.

  1. Lightbody, et al. (2018), Use of a saliva-based diagnostic test to identify tapeworm infection in horses in the UK. Equine Vet J, 50: 213–219.
  2. Lightbody, K.L, Davis, P.J. and Austin, C.J. (2016) Validation of a novel saliva-based ELISA test for diagnosing tapeworm burden in horses. Vet Clin Path 45, 335-346

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