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 Leonardo DR mini III

Leonardo DR mini III

Revolutionary X-ray Case For Equine Medicine And Mixed Practices

2 years ago

6th July, 2023 22h53

OR Technology

OR Technology introduces the brand-new Leonardo DR mini III - an innovative X-ray case with an intelligent battery concept and unbeatable image quality, specially designed for equine medicine and mixed practices.
With this wireless and flexible X-ray case, users can work continuously for up to 8.5 hours and take up to 500 X-rays in double-battery operation - without compromising image quality.
An out­stand­ing high­light of this unit is the almost in­des­truct­ible 25 x 33 cm CSI de­tector without glass carrier. Con­sist­ing of flex­ible sub­strate, this was primar­ily created for X-ray use on horses. 
There is enough space for all 25 x 33 cm and 35 x 43 cm X-ray de­tect­ors (from OR Tech­no­logy) in­clud­ing their pro­tec­tion box in the case.

Another special feature is the in­tel­li­gent battery concept, which allows 3.5 or 8.5 hours or un­lim­ited X-rays, de­pend­ing on the in­ten­ded use. The bat­ter­ies can be changed during op­er­a­tion without having to shut down the system. In ad­di­tion, the stand­ard bat­ter­ies are avail­able in almost every hard­ware store world­wide. If the monitor is folded down, an in­tel­li­gent power-sav­ing mode kicks in, allowing the user to con­tinue op­er­a­tion within a defined time window, without having to restart the system each time. After this period, the system shuts down auto­mat­ic­ally.

The sturdy and res­ist­ant case is made of the latest high-tech com­pos­ite ma­ter­ial with shock-ab­sorb­ing re­in­force­ment of the corners. It is also splash-proof (IPX4). With a weight of only 9.5 kg and an anti-glare 21.5'' full HD touch­screen monitor for ex­cel­lent image quality, the case is in­cred­ibly easy and flex­ible to use. 
At its front corners, the status LEDs display of the system light up in 4 dif­fer­ent colours, visu­al­ising the re­spect­ive step in the X-ray process.
The case can be com­fort­ably trans­por­ted by the handle or with a car­ry­ing strap.

With the dicomPACS®DX-R ac­quis­i­tion soft­ware and the in­teg­rated X-ray as­sist­ant, which is sorted sep­ar­ately by animal cat­egory (horse, dog, cat, etc.), the op­er­a­tion of the X-ray case is ex­tremely in­tu­it­ive and well de­signed. In ad­di­tion, the pro­fes­sional soft­ware offers de­tailed and com­plete doc­u­ment­a­tion of ra­dio­graphic ser­vices for horse pur­chase ex­am­in­a­tions (op­tional) as well as veter­in­ary special meas­ure­ment methods and macros for re­cur­ring ex­am­in­a­tion pro­ced­ures (stand­ard scope of ser­vices).
The case also has an op­tional wire­less remote control via app and an ac­cess­ory bag for trans­port-safe packing of spare bat­ter­ies or char­gers (e.g. a charger for the car ci­gar­ette lighter).

Bernd Oehm, CEO/Owner Sales & Marketing: "We are convinced that the Leonardo DR mini III is the new gold standard for X-ray cases in equine medicine and for mixed practices. Just try it out."

Based in Rostock, Germany, OR Technology has been a manufacturer of digital X-ray technology and developer of image management systems since 1991. In more than 140 countries the company's in-house solutions for human and veterinary medicine are successfully used in private practices, radiology and hospitals. The portfolio ranges from DR retrofits for existing stationary or mobile X-ray
systems (X-ray without cassettes), CR systems (X-ray with cassettes), complete X-ray systems to mobile DR detector case solutions for outdoor use (disaster control, military medical services, ships, home care, etc.). OR Technology continuously invests in research and development, product design and cloud-based software tools up to automated diagnosis using artificial intelligence (AI).

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