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RUMA 2023 Conference - A One Health View On The Responsible Use Of Medicines
The Responsible use of Medicines in Agriculture Alliance (RUMA) conference 2023, is this year being delivered via a series of weekly online webinars throughout November. Each webinar will feature panel discussions covering a range of One Health topics relating to the responsible use of medicines in agriculture.
There is a fantastic line-up of highly respected industry speakers who will be providing valuable insight into a variety of responsible use topics, and there will also be an opportunity to put forward questions during each session.
The webinars are FREE to attend, but pre-booking is required. You can view all five sessions and BOOK HERE
1 November – 10.00-11.30 - Session 1: VARSS headlines and TTF Report launch
In this session RUMA will launch and discuss the latest RUMA Targets Task Force Report and the Veterinary Medicines Directorate will launch its Veterinary Antibiotic Resistance and Sales Surveillance Report (UK-VARSS) summarising the UK’s progress against antibiotic use targets and UK sales of antibiotics.
8 November – 10.00-11.30 - Session 2: UK Agriculture - The global picture and the UK position
This session will discuss a range of responsible use topics related to UK agriculture assessing recent predictions on global antibiotic use as well as revisiting the UK position and journey to date on antibiotic reductions in livestock. The core discussion topics will be centred around:
- The global picture and the UK position
- How low can we go?
- Affordable food – the necessary compromises
- Are we doing enough?
15 November - 10.00-11.30 - Session 3: RUMA Companion Animal and Equine - The importance of expanding the AMR journey beyond livestock
In this session guest speakers from our sibling organisation, RUMA CA&E will share an overview of their work to date which will include the journey undertaken to define national metrics for measuring antibiotic use in dogs and cats, plus key sector initiatives such as the Antibiotic Amnesty. RUMA CA&E will also discuss the latest national usage figures released in its annual report and explore the next steps in the measures and targets journey. Finally, the session will open up discussion around the need for data for the CA&E sectors and how learnings from the Livestock sectors have helped shape their work in this area.
22 November - 10.00-11.30 - Session 4: Environment – UK standards and a global context
The session will open with the headline findings from a desktop study commissioned by RUMA which explores the environmental aspects associated with the responsible use of medicines in agriculture.
- A panel of speakers will then discuss the key findings of the report and explore any steps we have to take to ensure our use of medicines is responsible in terms of the whole One Health agenda.
29 November – 10.00-11.30 - Session 5: What does One Health mean? The interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary journey to sustainability.
- This session will consider a number of topics and areas under the One Health sphere as well as taking into account the challenges that exist under each of the core pillars as well as the social and economic aspects of One Health
- Finally, the debate panel will deliberate whether enough is being done and what should happen next
More from RUMA
- Latest RUMA Targets Task Force report reveals UK livestock sectors continue to make positive progress on antibiotic use targets
- Veterinary sector comes together again for Antibiotic Amnesty in November
- First RUMA Companion Animal and Equine Annual Progress Report released detailing new national metrics for measuring antibiotic use in Dogs and Cats
- Latest RUMA Targets Task Force report reveals UK livestock sectors continue to make positive progress on antibiotic use targets
- Latest RUMA Targets Task Force report reveals that despite an unprecedented year, UK livestock sectors are making good progress on antibiotic use targets