The congress was held at Monkey World
SCVS Nurses Congress A Success

27th September, 2019 11h02
Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists
The Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists Nurses Congress 2019 took place on Saturday 14th September. It was held at the popular Monkey World in Wareham with five amazing talks such as The RVN’s Role in Blood Transfusions and Anaesthetic Emergencies. However, there was still plenty of time to have a wander round the park seeing the monkeys and using free vouchers to eat lunch at Monkey World’s cafe. It’s wasn’t just a CPD day, it was also a fun day out for all.
Attendees arrived at 9am and stayed all the way till 5pm when the park shut making the most of viewing the monkeys. Spaces at this CPD booked up fast and we were very pleased with the turnout of over 70 attendees. Everyone got a goody bag to take away with them filled with gifts from Vygon, CPD certificate and little snacks.
The congress included the following talks:
- The RVN’s Role in Blood Transfusions - Katie Peates BSc (Hons) RVN, Medicine Nurse
- OA in dogs: Finding the balance - Danae Charalambous MRCVS, Resident of the European College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Nursing the RTA (road traffic accident) patient - Katie Foley DipHE CVN, DipAVN(SA), RVN, Head Surgery Nurse (talk sponsored by Vygon)
- Anaesthetic Emergencies in dogs and cats: how to handle them- Ricardo Felisberto DVM, MRCVS, Anaesthesia Resident
- Monkey World Talk by one of Monkey Worlds Education Officers
“Great speakers and information, and lovely venue. I am a student VN and loved the day - thank you. The anaesthetic talk was really helpful for me.”
“Amazing food. OA was a very good talk, anaesthesia was excellent and very useful. The Monkey World speaker was experienced and very engaging.”
“Amazing vegan choices. Lovely being with the birds and monkeys.”
“Brilliant talks and interesting subjects. Great diagrams & side by side photos, particularly the transfusion and anaesthesia talks.”
“A great CPD day. Very informative and really good range of topics.”
“The Monkey World set up was lovely.”
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