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SPANA Morocco emergency response ©SPANA

SPANA Morocco emergency response ©SPANA

SPANA Launches Emergency Response To Support Working Animals In The Aftermath Of The Catastrophic Morocco Earthquake

2 years ago

13th September, 2023 16h44


The devastating earthquake that struck Morocco less than 90 hours ago, has impacted the lives of people and animals alike, showing no mercy as it struck deep in the Atlas Mountains.  

SPANA (the Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad) is on the ground assessing the need for working animals on whom so many people are dependant. SPANA teams will be providing critical support ensuring help is provided to injured and abandoned working animals, providing emergency veterinary care, food and water.  

Linda Edwards, Chief Executive of SPANA, is on her way to Morocco with SPANA’s Director of Global Animal Welfare, Dr Linda Evans. 

Linda Edwards said: ‘All of us at SPANA are deeply saddened about the terrible disaster in Morocco, our sympathies and thoughts are with all affected. Working alongside the humanitarian effort, coordinating with the authorities and partners, SPANA’s teams are working tirelessly to ensure that lifesaving help is available to working animals.  The relief effort will also see the dependency on working animals, as the invisible heroes delivering life-saving aid to communities who have been cut off, with roads destroyed or blocked with debris.  Working donkeys and mules will be their rescue partner, and SPANA will be there to safeguard their welfare, they too need to recover from the trauma of this horrific disaster.’ 

To support SPANA’s emergency appeal and help ensure essential support for working animals in Morocco, please visit: 

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