Spring Has Sprung For Allergies In Pets
18 years ago
The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) advises that spring can be a time for allergies in pets as well as humans. AVA President-elect, Dr Diane Sheehan said that early spring rains are likely to bring with it a range of allergic conditions in pets related to a broad spectrum of grasses and flowering plants.
“Allergies happen at any time of the year,” Dr Sheehan said. “However in Spring we can see cats and dogs with allergic reactions to a large number of different types of pollens that come from grasses, weeds and trees.”
Dr Sheehan said itchiness and ear infections were the most common allergic reactions in cats and dogs.
“Dogs with allergies often suffer from itching around the feet, face and underside. Pet owners sometimes think that their animals are suffering from flea bites, only to discover that the itching continues after treatment. About 70 per cent of pets can be successfully treated with desensitisation injections, while the others will require management of the symptoms.”
Like their human companions, pets can also suffer from coughing, sneezing, and wheezing after inhaling materials such as pollens, dust mites and moulds. Pet owners who think their pet may have an allergy are advised to consult a veterinarian for a diagnosis and to determine the best treatment options.3348 views
26th September, 2006 00h00
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