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Equine Head Trauma/Conditions & Sinus Access – A Practitioner’s Approach A 2-Day Practical Course (max. 24 Vets)

VetPD - Veterinary Professional Development

2 months ago

Date: Friday 5th December, 2025 - Saturday 6th December, 2025
Start time: 9:14 PM - 9:14 PM
Cost: £1570

Head trauma/conditions are frequently encountered by 1st opinion veterinarians and a significant number of these cases can be appropriately dealt with in the field and don’t require specialized equipment. This 2-day practical course covers head wounds, facial & jaw fractures, sinus & guttural pouch problems, oral & tongue lacerations, nasofrontal suture periostitis, oral and nasal foreign bodies etc. The panel of internationally renowned specialists will discuss in detail how to triage horses appropriately and which cases can be treated within your own practice setting. Between both mornings the following highly-illustrated lectures will be given in English (with German moderation):  

Facial Bones & Sinus Anatomy – A refresher
Paranasal Sinuses – The Work-Up
Paranasal Sinuses – Surgical Access
Working up Facial Wounds & Fractures (incl. X-ray & Ultrasound)
Fractures of the Mandible & Maxilla
Stabilizing Rostral Mandibular Fractures
Management of Facial Bone Fractures
Aftercare & Complications of Facial Fracture Repair
Hunting for the Foreign Body – Mouth & Nasal Passages
Oral & Tongue Lacerations
The use of External Fixators for Mandibular Fractures
Nasofrontal Suture Periostitis – An increasingly common Complication
Open and frank discussions are encouraged and the speakers will share their personal experiences, successes and failures, with attendees. 

In the afternoons, 7 hours of practical sessions will give attendees plenty of opportunity to put theory into practice on cadaver specimens and to ask questions in true small groups (2 attendees per specimen), all under the supervision of specialists. The following practical sessions will be covered during the course: 

Head Radiography & Ultrasound in Trauma Patients – Facial Fractures, Wounds & Eye/Orbit
Sinoscopy & Surgical Sinus Access
Stabilizing Rostral Mandibular Fractures
Facial Fracture Repair Techniques
External Fixator Application to treat Mandibular Fractures
Oral & Nasal Endoscopy
The course fee includes lunches, coffee/tea breaks, extensive electronic course notes and a certificate of attendance. Attendees can choose to only attend the lectures (= Lectures Only) on this course or can register for the entire course (= Lectures & Practical Sessions). On the evening of the first day all attendees are invited to attend the wine & cheese reception. Early course registration is recommended as there are only a limited number of places available.

Who is it for?

Veterinarians with an interest in horses and veterinary students

The Venue

Pferdegesundheit Rhein Main, Birkenhof 2, 65795 Hattersheim, Germany

Number of CPD hours this event can be recorded as

15 hours

Registration and Booking

Click here to reserve your place

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