14 years ago

15th September, 2010 12h58
VRCC the Laindon based Veterinary Referral Centre and Finalists in the 2010 Essex Business Excellence Awards are celebrating the outstanding achievement of one of their clinicians.
French born Veterinary Radiation Oncologist Jerome Benoit is celebrating his success in becoming a Diplomate of the ACVR (Radiation Oncology.) Jerome and Dr Susan North are the only 2 qualified Veterinary Radiation Oncologists practising in the UK enabling Essex based VRCC to deliver an un-rivalled Veterinary Cancer Service.
Since his appointment a year ago, Jerome who joined VRCC from North Carolina State University, one of the busiest Oncology Hospitals in the USA, have been able to offer the very latest Radiation techniques and treatments to their clients who bring their Dogs and Cats from all over the UK.