Unique Malignant Melanoma Trial At VRCC

14 years ago

8th April, 2011 12h05
VRCC the
Essex based Veterinary Referral Centre is now part of an elite membership of ACVR Diplomates, the VRTOG (Veterinary Radiation Therapy Oncology Group) specially created to promote veterinary radiation oncology worldwide. VRTOG has authorised useful guidelines such as a Radiation Morbidity Scoring Scheme, Quality Assurance Programme Recommendations along with various research projects.

One of the latest VRTOG studies is to evaluate the effect of combination coarse-fraction radiotherapy and the Merial melanoma vaccine on the outcome of dogs with incompletely resected or unresectable oral malignant melanoma. This trial is unique in the UK as VRCC is the only VRTOG member so veterinary surgeons who may have possible candidates for this trial should contact Jerome Benoit at the VRCC Oncology Department who will be happy to discuss options.
VRCC is the only non UK University providing Radiation Therapy on-site with their 6Mv Linear Accelerator and advanced radiotherapy planning via their multi-slice CT Scanner and computerised treatment planning system. VRCC is the only Radiation treatment centre in the UK staffed by members of the American Board of Veterinary Radiation Oncologists which requires at least 2 years of advanced training in an ACVR accredited Radiation Oncology programme before candidates are eligible to take the examination. VRCC’s ACVR (Radiation Oncology) Diplomates are Dr Susan North and Jerome Benoit, who together with other VRCC specialists and VRTOG members are moving Oncology treatments and techniques forward in the UK and Worldwide.
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