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Ceva Animal Health Provides ‘first Class’ BRED CPD Workshops For Cattle Repro Vets

10 years ago

1st November, 2014 14h37

One of the workshops Leading international bovine veterinary specialists are helping to change the way cattle reproduction is managed in the UK, thanks to a series of educational CPD workshops sponsored by Ceva. The latest in the UK-wide series of Bovine Reproduction, Education and Discussion (BRED) Workshops, were held in Edinburgh and Bristol earlier this month. Both were attended to maximum capacity and were well reviewed, with delegates stating: “CEVA has raised the bar in the level of CPD for UK Veterinary Cattle Surgeons." "First class cattle repro CPD," "World class speakers, approachable, informative and practical workshops that will aid our protocols in practice." The two-day interactive sessions were presented by bovine reproduction and synchronisation specialists Dr Richard Pursley of the Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, USA, Paul Fricke, Professor of Dairy Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA and Katherine Timms, cattle reproduction Technical Advisor at Ceva Animal Health. The workshops gave the invited veterinary delegates the opportunity to gain an exclusive insight, from world experts, into the advantages of bovine reproduction synchronisation protocols and the importance of getting to grips with the finer technical aspects of these techniques for best effect. Updates on new data in several different reproductive areas, together with updated tools to resolve reproductive problems in dairy cows enabled delegates to develop their technical and practical know how. Carol Atkinson, Ceva’s reprodAction range product manager said: “We are excited about how well this initiative has been received. The workshops are now being seen as a valuable CPD tool to help UK vets successfully manage cattle reproduction and grow their livestock business.” More BRED workshops will be scheduled for 2015. Find out more by watching the BRED video at

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