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Launch of NFA-VPS Seresto flea and tick control collar

Launch of NFA-VPS Seresto flea and tick control collar

Launch Of NFA-VPS Seresto Flea And Tick Control Collar Offers Unique Opportunity For Veterinary Practices

6 years ago

4th April, 2019 12h23

Bayer HealthCare

Seresto (POM-V) for cats and dogs, manufactured by Bayer, has undergone a change of category and been re-launched as Seresto flea and tick control collar (NFA-VPS). The existing POM-V Seresto product will gradually be phased out, and replaced with Seresto flea and tick control collar NFA-VPS. 

This means that vet practices can now sell the new Seresto flea and tick control collar to “walk-in clients”, without the need for a prescription, following the usual prescribing rules for NFA-VPS products.  This gives clients the ability to provide their pets with up to 8 months of flea and tick protection – the longest lasting protection available in a single application -  without requiring a prescription. The new product offers vet practices a convenient way of selling parasite prevention and encouraging compliance.

In line with the launch, Bayer is investing in a “#8months of love” TV campaign, aimed at educating cat and dog owners about the importance of protecting pets from fleas and ticks and the season-long benefits that Seresto flea and tick control collar offers.

To support veterinary staff, Bayer has produced a suite of “#8months of love” veterinary practice waiting room materials, designed to help staff strike up a conversation about preventative parasite control and to help practices drive sales.

Seresto flea and tick control collar:

·         Provides up to eight months of flea and tick protection for dogs and cats with one single application.

·         Kills fleas and repels and kills ticks before they get a chance to bite1, thus reducing the risk of vector-borne diseases.

·         Is designed with a ratchet-release mechanism that allows the collar to widen should a pet become trapped. There is an additional layer of protection in the collar for cats and small dogs: a built-in breaking point that allows the collar to snap entirely if force is applied.

·         Is made from water resistant and odourless material.

“For the first time, veterinary staff will be able to offer clients up to 8 months’ protection for their pets with Seresto flea and tick control collar, without their clients needing a prescription. We hope that this positive change will help to encourage compliance with flea and tick treatments with a long lasting and effective product. To continue Bayer’s commitment to veterinary practices, we will help practices make the most of the opportunity this move presents by providing materials that engage clients and encourage discussions with the practice team. ” - Dr. Hannah Watts BVetMed (hons) &MRCVS, Bayer Brand Manager

Visit to find out more and order marketing materials, or speak to your Bayer Representative for more information or please email




1.1Mehlhorn et al. Parasitol Res (2001) 87:198-207, information is regarding mode of action and is not intended to relate to speed of kill or to imply parasites can be completely stopped from biting. An attachment of single ticks after treatment cannot be excluded; for this reason, a transmission of infectious diseases cannot be completely excluded if conditions are unfavourable.

For more information about Seresto flea and tick control collar visit

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