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Supporting Vet Nurse Apprenticeship Training

6 years ago

11th January, 2019 13h04


A veterinary group has launched a new initiative aimed at increasing the number of veterinary nurse apprentices training within its 460 plus practices across the UK.

The initiative, a bespoke resource developed by Vets4Pets and Companion Care for its Joint Venture Partners (JVPs), provides vet nurse apprenticeship training information for 24 UK colleges vetted by the group’s Learning & Development team.

This means anyone who is looking to pursue a career in veterinary nursing, and practices that want to support them, have one easy resource to do so.

“We’ve been developing the informative ‘Nurse Academy’ resource for the past 12 months, and we’re delighted to now launch it to our JVP colleagues,” says Rebecca Reynolds, apprenticeship advisor at Vets4Pets.

“It includes a wealth of information about each college, including course details, costs and the application process.

“We’ve developed relationships with all 24 colleges, which offer training of the highest standard, understand the importance of prioritising wellbeing within their curriculum and want to build strong and trusting relationships with Vets4Pets and Companion Care JVPs. 

“We’re now looking to include information and build partnerships with additional colleges as they are identified and vetted by our team.

“We hope our practices will maximise the apprenticeship opportunity, make a more informed decision regarding training opportunities and invest in the development of their teams, with a view to securing the future succession of their practice nursing team.

“We’re simply thrilled to be playing a role in helping to increase the number of veterinary nurses in the UK.”

For anyone interested in a veterinary nurse apprenticeship with a Vets4Pets or Companion Care practice, please email

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