VRCC Small Animal African Success

15 years ago

8th December, 2009 00h00
Whilst Essex based Referral Centre VRCC advertised their 2nd Small Animal Veterinary Education Conference Weekend for East African Veterinary Surgeons, Vets from Mauritius, Mozambique, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar and even Brazil travelled thousands of miles to join Kenyan colleagues at Mombasa in November.

VRCC’s Dr Susan North and Dr Henry L’Eplattenier were joined by Consultant Dermatologist Anita Patel who practices in the UK but qualified in Kenya and Pathologist Prof John Cooper who worked in Kenya for many years, presenting lectures on a wide range of relevant Small Animal topics.
Also, lecturing and taking a welcome opportunity to interact with colleagues was Pfizers Dr Liza Le Roux accompanied by Andrew Terwin, Pifizers Export Manager from South Africa. Merial’s Marketing Guru Dr Frans van Gool, flew out specially from Belgium to support the event and also from Merial and long term event supporter was Theunis de Bruyn, South African based and Head of Sales and Exports. VRCC gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of Merial and Pifizer who will be supporting next years event and others who generously donated much needed and appreciated funds, books, equipment and time to support African Colleagues.
2 days of lectures at Leisure Lodge, an outstanding ‘5 Star’ venue with superb staff and facilities were crowned by a magical ‘Gala Diner’ on the shores of the Indian Ocean.
Some of the delegates went home especially happy having collected donated prizes in a draw at the end of the Conference.
Delegates were addressed by Dr Victor Yamo, Chairman of The Kenya Veterinary Board who welcomed the speakers and the efforts of VRCC and their dedicated African team in bringing such a high standard of further education to his under resourced country. He stated that one of the short term aims of the KVB was to make CPD compulsory so it would be vital to attract and maintain the interest of those like VRCC who were prepared to organise CPD at minimal cost to delegates. None of the lecturers received speaker’s fees.
Plans are already well in hand for next years event and anyone interested in attending or contributing in anyway should contact VRCC Practice Director Malcolm Holland. malcolm.holland@vrcc.co.uk
After the Conference, Dr Susan North, who stayed at the UK’s Deputy High Commissioners Residence in Nairobi, completed her African visit fulfilling an invitation issued after last years event by Prof. Susan Mbugua to visit and lecture on the ‘Introduction to Oncology’ at the Kenya Veterinary School. The lecture was very well received and attended by over 100 students. VRCC look forward to continuing to forge Small Animal African links in the years to come.
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